Funding: Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, European Union

Coordination: Centro Nacional de Tecnologia y Seguridad Alimentaria (Spain)

Duration: October 2020 – April 2024

Sustainable and efficient supply chains can be created only through the active involvement of the relevant actors

The CO-FRESH project joins the major actors of agricultural supply chains in order to reform the system of agri-food supply chains in close cooperation by utilizing the opportunities provided by modern technologies and science.

The basic principles of the project include the implementation of system-level changes and the application sustainable practices through the joint utilization of technological, social, organizational, management and institutional innovations.

Agricultural value chains should be not only efficient but also sustainable and fair at the same time, in order to be able to meet the demands of both the producers and the consumers in the long run. The Co-Fresh project – funded by the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme of the European Union – investigates possibilities for creating circular processes and reducing packaging waste in mushroom production technology besides analysing consumer preferences in the oyster mushroom value chain. The three Hungarian partners of the project are Pilze-Nagy Ltd.Kislépték Association and the Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (ÖMKi).

What are the project’s planned main results?

The aim of the CO-FRESH project is to identify and to implement models and practices for sustainable innovative supply chains through 7 case studies.

The consortium includes the major actors of agri-food industry supply chains from 10 different countries:

  • Companies and actors from the agri-food industry (agricultural producers, food manufacturers, cooperatives, consumers);

  • Experts from technological (including digital technologies), social, organizational and institutional fields;

  • Experts dealing with environmental, economic and sustainability related issues.

ÖMKi’s role

The role of ÖMKi is to disseminate the knowledge and the information gathered during the project in Hungary. Accordingly, ÖMKi – together with Kislépték Association – proofreads the published Hungarian materials from professional points of view, promotes the project during various events and through the online media, and presents the available information materials. In addition, ÖMKi closely cooperates with Pilze-Nagy Ltd. regarding the supply chain of fresh and dried mushroom products and also with EKOWOOC Association regarding that of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Contact person

Judit Berényi Üveges

Lead researcher

Graduate in environmental and landscape agricultural engineering, Ph.D


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme under grant agreement No 101070045.

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