The main aim of beef cattle reproduction research

We investigate the potential of digital sensors for detecting heat (estrus) and predicting calving in grazing-based beef cattle farming under different types of husbandry and reproduction management. The study aims to compare the effectiveness of hormone treatments on inducing estrus in conventional livestock production using sensor-based monitoring to increase the success rate of artificial insemination. This study uses a conventional production system since hormone treatment cannot be applied in organic livestock production. Favorable results will prove that digital sensors can contribute to reducing or eliminating hormone treatments while maintaining reproductive biological indicators at an appropriate level.


Our on-farm research is carried out on a large group of animals, with the active participation of farmers.

  • Dividing animals into groups based on their natural heating and refining the threshold values in software systems for more accurate estrus detection
  • Performing sensory analysis and calving prediction in partner farms’ livestock. Comparing the actual calving times and calculated data from the sensor output while analysing the differences
  • Monitoring the seasonality of breeding in different beef cattle breeds based on obtained sensor data

Expected results

  • Reduction or elimination of hormone treatments in conventional animal husbandry during artificial insemination
  • In the case of natural mating, calf mortality is expected to be reduced by a more precise prediction of calving time so that calving assistance can be provided at the right time

Contact person

Dr. Márton Aliz

Dr. Aliz Márton

Head of animal husbandry team
Degree in agricultural engineering, PhD


The implementation of the research is supported by Hungarian National Rural Network (MNVH):

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