Coordination of the Organic Research, Development & Innovation Working Group (ÖKO KFI) to support the implementation of the National Action Plan for the Development of Organic Farming

Among the measures of the National Action Plan for the Development of Organic Farming (2022-2027), the establishment of national coordination for organic farming research, development and innovation (RDI) plays an important role. As a first step to achieve this, the Ministry of Agriculture launched the Organic Research, Development & Innovation Working Group (ÖKO KFI) at the end of 2022. The mandate of the ÖKO KFI working group is to promote cooperation between the national actors involved in organic research and development (RDI), to define the RDI priorities of the sector within the framework of a strategic research and innovation agenda (ÖKO SRIA), to specify necessary resources and funding for implementing the ÖKO SRIA aligned with related existing sectoral and agroecological RDI documents (e.g. BIOEAST national and macro-regional agroecology SRIA, Digital Agricultural Strategy). Productive and efficient functioning of the ÖKO KFI working group requires an appropriate level of professional coordination and animation.


  • As the coordinator of the ÖKO KFI working group, ÖMKi will ensure the organisation of regular capacity building and knowledge transfer workshops (e.g. on living lab methodology, multi-stakeholder approach, agroecology transition), which will allow more efficient resource mobilisation for domestic agri-RDI actors.
  • Coordinating the participatory development of the ÖKO SRIA.
  • Representing the results and proposals of working group in national and international professional forums and facilitate the delegation of working group members into relevant professional bodies.
  • Laying the groundwork for a National Network of Agroecology Living Labs (LL) and Research Infrastructures (RI).

Expected results

  • The organic sector in Hungary is successful in winning regional, European and international agricultural research grants.
  • Inclusiveness becomes the norm in domestic agricultural RDI with an increasing involvement of relevant economic actors in the research-innovation process, which helps to realise the results applied.
  • The number of national experts participating in international policy forums related to ÖKO KFI grows significantly.
  • The targets of organic RDI measures laid down in the National Action Plan are achieved by 2027.

Contact person

Varga Korinna

Korinna Varga

Head of agricultural policy team, Research project leader
Agronomist, MSc in Environmental Policy, Expert in agroecology and agricultural policy


  • +36 30 171 8291

The implementation of the research is supported by Hungarian National Rural Network (MNVH):

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