Research Institute of Organic Agriculture
Cutting edge research Ecological approach Sustainable future

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2019. April 18.

NewsMilestone towards more sustainable hungarian agriculture

The area of certified organic land will increase by nearly 90,000 hectares in Hungary because outstanding demand has led the Ministry of Agriculture to triple the planned budget for organic subsidies to HUF 36 billion (ca. EUR 120 million). The Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (ÖMKi) also lobbied hard for this increase. The press conference organized on 18th April by ÖMKi reflected on the new decision, and how organic agriculture should develop in the future.

agriculture, organic farming, ecology, organic, sustainable, Hungarian agriculture, sustainability

2019. April 12.

Professional workshop in Martonvásár for boosting organic soybean production

ÖMKi held a professional workshop on arable crop diversification and related new product paths, with a special focus on organic soybean production, at the Martonvásár Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on 27 March 2019.

Diversification, soybean growing, soy, biosoy, agriculture, organic farming

2019. April 8.

Our research made understandable: Have you ever seen potato seed?

Because in our country is rare to see them, as we usually plant potato tubers in mid-April.

potatoes, seeds, organic farming, ecology, organic, climate change

2019. March 21.

Nagy-Somló goes organic

The Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (ÖMKi) contributes to training local producers.

Hungary’s smallest historic wine region is to go organic from March 2019 with the help of the Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (ÖMKi)

ömki, organic, organic farming, grapes, wine, soil, wine region

2019. March 14.

Agriculture of the future-Smart sensors for the development of organic farming

The meeting of the partners of the IoF (Internet of Food & Farm) project has been organized in Prague last week where the SolarVibes project including ÖMKi was also presented.

ömki, organic, agricultural, organic farming, agriculture, production, farmer

2019. March 11.

Bean Bang!

Black, white, brown, multi-colored, this is the beautiful diversity in beans.

ömki, farm, healthy eating, crop rotation, nutrient, bean



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