![rolunk-drexler-dora Dr. Drexler Dóra](
Dr. Dóra Drexler
MSc in Plant Protection, Landscape architect, MSc, PhD
I received my MSc degree in landscape architecture at the University of Horticulture, Budapest, and acquired my PhD at the Department of Landscape Ecology of the Technical University Munich. Starting with 2010, I worked at the Swiss Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) for half a year, and in 2011, I took part in founding the Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (ÖMKi) which I lead as Director till today. I was awarded honorary associate professorship by the University of Debrecen and received the Péter Sárközy medal for achievements in organic agriculture. I acquired an additional MSc degree in plant protection at the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Since 2020 I am vice president of IFOAM Organics Europe and Steering Committee Member of TP Organics. I have three children, and according to my colleagues ÖMKi is my fourth one.
Finance team
![rolunk-timarne-ilona Timárné Deibler Ilona](
Ilona Timárné Deibler
Economic manager
Economist, MSc
I got my degree as an economist from the Carl Marx University of Economy in 1985. While I was still in education, and afterwards, I tried my hand at various jobs in the areas of business and enterprise, from the bottom to the top of the hierarchy. As I always had ideas about how to implement changes, and in my experience, the most practical way of doing this is from a management position, for which I already had both the experience and qualifications. I managed the economic activities at several companies between 1987 and 2000. In 2000, I took a sharp turn and found a job in public administration. First I worked in the economic regulation of news communication, then I moved into an economic management position again between 2002 and 2019, but this time in the public sector. In the spring of 2019, the winds changed and blew me towards ÖMKi. I found myself in a really friendly team and together we are striving to steer our world towards sustainable development.
![rolunk-takacs-bence Takács Bence](
Bence Takács
Office manager, Project assistant
Horticulturist, BSc
Agronomist in environmental management, MSc
I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in horticulture in 2013 from Szent István University (formerly Corvinus University of Budapest), with a specialization in the cultivation of medicinal herbs. I received my master’s degree in agronomics in environmental management from Szent István University in 2015. I wrote both my theses on medicinal herbs and the active substance content of tea infusions made of them. Since a very young age, I have been fascinated in gardening, the use of medicinal herbs and their pharmacological effects, as well as plant care. I also do garden design, landscaping and maintenance. I am committed to protecting the environment, and I practice chemical-free herb, vegetable and fruit cultivation. At ÖMKi my tasks include formal proofreading of published materials and managing issues surrounding the background activities of our current projects.
![rolunk-szalai Szalai Szilvia](
Szilvia Szalai
Chief Accountant
Chartered Accountant, economist, BSc
Thanks to my technical training and qualifications I was able to start working in an area really close to me.
As a chartered accountant I carry out the full tax and accounting duties. I received my degree at the Department of Financial Accounting at Zsigmond Király College, which helped me to broaden the range and scope of my business by providing additional financial and controlling services.
At ÖMKi, besides bookkeeping, payroll, and tax reporting, I help develop and maintain the economic framework of the projects as a controller, and I support predictability by providing an up-to-date and transparent financial system.
Arable land team
![rolunk-borbelyne Borbélyné Dr. Hunyadi Éva](
Dr. Éva Borbélyné Hunyadi
Head of arable land team, Lead researcher
Agronomist, PhD
I received a degree in crop production engineering (GATE, Szarvas, 1988), then in general agronomy (DATE, Debrecen, 1995), after which I spent almost 10 years in the agricultural production sector, primarily working in plant production. After this, I worked in agricultural higher education for over 15 years. My areas of teaching and research were both connected to organic farming. I received my PhD in 2002 from the Doctoral School for Crop Production and Horticulture. As a researcher at ÖMKi, I work in the field of organic cultivation technologies of high-protein plants in the on-farm research program for arable crops.
![rolunk-iskrer-szilvia Dr. Bencze Szilvia](
Dr. Szilvia Bencze
Lead researcher
Biologist, Ph.D, English
technical translator
Being oriented toward nature and animals it was not a question to me to choose Ecology faculty and graduate as a Biologist at the Kossuth University and later receive a Ph.D degree at Eötvös University in the field of Biology (Ecology). All my studies and activities since, including my stay at Lund university and the 20 year-work at Agricultural Institute in Martonvásár, in the field of climate change, agroecological research and plant breeding just brought me closer to the real aim of the intension of promoting the sustainable way of modern agriculture. This I have found in the work done at ÖMKi. Here my main areas of interest are the research done on ancient wheat species and their landraces, participatory research in on-farm testing, the use and participatory breeding of organic heterogenous materials.
![rolunk-foldi-imre Földi Mihály](
Mihály Földi
Lead researcher
Horticulturist, MSc
![rolunk-berenyi-judit Dr. Berényi Üveges Judit](
Dr. Judit Berényi Üveges
Lead researcher
Graduate in environmental and landscape agricultural engineering, English translator, Ph.D
I graduated in 1996, as part of the first class of students at the Department of Environmental and Landscape Management at the University of Agricultural Sciences in Gödöllő. During my years at university I became better acquainted with soil as an area of study, and the enthusiasm of my teachers and professors, who taught the subject of soil science, greatly influenced me. I went on to graduate from the post-doctoral school of environmental sciences at the Szent István University, and in addition to deciphering the stories behind different soil profiles, I also examined the extent to which the climatic conditions prevailing at a given time can be deduced from buried soils formed in distant geological eras. This ensured that protected status was granted to the “Atari Periglacial Soil Section”, which has now been included in the national treasury and enjoys local protection.
I then worked for the Ministry of the Environment and then for the Plant and Soil Protection Service and its successors. Here I also participated in research projects on the topic of nutrient management and in collaboration with the Soil Protection Information and Monitoring System. I then worked at the Ministry of Agriculture on policy programs to reduce the environmental impact of agriculture, and it was an unforgettable experience to participate at climate negotiations in Bonn and Katowice, and in the session of the Convention to Combat Drought and Desertification as a member of the Hungarian delegation. However, research has been absent from my life for too long, so I am very happy to be able to join the ÖMKi team, where I am participating in soil research.
![rolunk-sziraf Dr. Szira Fruzsina](
Dr. Fruzsina Szira
Lead researcher
Biologist, PhD
I graduated as a biologist at the University of Szeged, then I started working in the field of plant genetics and agribiotechnology. I finished my PhD and for many years I tried to find practice-oriented applied research within the conventional framework, but I was not really successful. I was wandering around like Odysseus, until ÖMKi found me. In my opinion ÖMKi is a great example how we can construct practical research from abstract concepts such as sustainable agriculture economy or food production. My main role is the coordination and financial management of our international grants, and the value chain development of flaked cereals.
![rolunk-balog-emese Balog Emese](
Emese Balog
Research project leader
Agricultural engineer, specializing in plant protection
In 2010 I graduated from Szent István University of Gödöllő (now the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences) as an agricultural engineer, specializing in plant protection. As a departmental engineer and during my doctoral studies I worked as a lecturer-researcher, my main interest was the study of the effects of soil microbes (entomopathogenic bacteria and fungi as promising biocontrol agents) on arthropods. I had been working on the development of an environmentally friendly formulation against soil pests. I also worked briefly in the public administration, as a phytosanitary inspector in export-import and domestic inspections. Returning to research work, for many years I did R&D work for companies marketing crop improvement materials (plant growth promoting rhizobacteria as biofertilizers), ranging from laboratory product development to national field trials. At ÖMKi, I continue along this line of work, assisting with on-site soil testing and on-farm research.
![rolunk-gyorene-kis-gyongyi Györéné Kis Gyöngyi](
Gyöngyi Dr. Györéné Dr. Kis
Research project leader
Graduate in agricultural engineering, Ph.D. in environmental sciences
![rolunk-dr-szigeti-nora Dr. Szigeti Nóra](
Dr. Nóra Szigeti
Research project leader
Environmental Engineer, PhD
I graduated from the University of Sopron (formerly the University of West Hungary) in 2003 with a degree in environmental engineering. As a researcher at the university, I performed environment-protecting service and research tasks for several years. I got closer to organic farming during my Ph.D. research: I participated in several European Union projects in agroforestry. I examined the relationship between agroforestry and biodiversity as a member of the Soil Zoology and Ecology Research Group. Later, I analyzed soil databases at the Institute of Advanced Studies, Kőszeg. In the ÖMKi team, my main task is to plan and evaluate soil protection management experiments involving statistical analysis.
![rolunk-dani-maria Dani Mária](
Mária Dani
Agricultural engineer, organic farmer
I graduated as an agricultural engineer in 2004 from the University of Agricultural Sciences in Debrecen. I first encountered organic farming there. For 6,5 years I worked as an inspector for a Hungarian control body. I started farming in 2014, and in 2015 I converted my land to organic farming, where I grow arable crops. Since 2017 I don’t use ploughing and I am trying to learn and apply as many elements of regenerative farming as possible. I joined the protein crop on-farm and small plot research of the arable team at ÖMKI as a researcher. I believe that organic farming is good for the environment and for people’s health.
![rolunk-kovacs-tina Kovács Tina](
Tina Kovács
Graduate in agricultural engineering
- Currently on maternity leave
![rolunk-fekete-anna-katalin Fekete Anna Katalin](
Anna Katalin Fekete
Research assistant
BSc in Horticultural engineering, MSc in Plant protection
![rolunk-lukacsi-balazs Lukácsi Balázs](
Balázs Lukácsi
Technical assistant
Secondary school teacher, librarian
Since July 2022, as a technical assistant of ÖMKi, I have been involved in the operation of the research institute with a variety of field and office background work. I am responsible for the management of our vehicles, research equipment, warehouses, soil and plant sampling, sample processing and material handling.
My initial qualifications are as a secondary school teacher of Hungarian language and literature and philosophy, which have been supplemented over the years by qualifications as a librarian, beekeeper and farmer. A lay interest in agriculture, horticulture and ecology, and a practical interest in the field, brought me to ÖMKi after my years of work at the Hungarian Agricultural Museum and Library.
![rolunk-feherjudit Fehér Judit](
Judit Fehér
Independent expert
Biologist, MSc
Horticulture team
![rolunk-dr-toth-ferenc Dr. Tóth Ferenc](
Dr. Ferenc Tóth
Head of horticultural team, Researcher
Agricultural engineer, engineering teacher, PhD
I came into direct contact with ÖMKi in 2015, when together with several of my colleagues and students we got involved in the study of landrace tomato varieties. In order to deepen this successful cooperation, I changed jobs in 2021, so that I would have the opportunity to continue my research and supervisory activities in the field of organic farming as an employee of ÖMKi, in addition to maintaining professional links to academia.
![rolunk-pappor Papp Orsolya](
Orsolya Papp
Lead researcher
Horticulturist, MSc
![rolunk-gyongyosi-emese Gyöngyösi Emese](
Emese Gyöngyösi
Research project leader
Agronomist, MA in Regional and environmental economics
I graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences of Szent István University in 2014, majoring in agro-environmental engineering. During my master’s studies, rural development and short supply chains became the focus of my interest. It is extremely important to me to support initiatives that help people living a busy metropolitan life access fresh and chemical-free food. As an organizing member of a small-scale farmers’ market, I encourage locals to purchase healthy, organic food from secure and ethical sources. At ÖMKi, I am involved in Co-Fresh project as well as in the cultivation technology research of landrace tomatoes.
![rolunk-mezofi-laszlo Dr. Mezőfi László](
Dr. László Mezőfi
Research project leader
BSc in Horticultural Engineering, MSc in Plant Protection, PhD.
Specialisation: agroecology, plant entomology and biostatistics
I graduated from the Faculty of Horticultural Sciences of the Corvinus University of Budapest (now the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences) in 2015 with a Master of Science degree in Plant Protection. From then until 2023, I was a teaching and research associate in the Department of Entomology, first as a PhD student and then as a senior lecturer. I am a member of the ÖMKi team since January 2023.
As a university lecturer, I have been involved in teaching a number of courses (mainly in entomology, integrated and organic pest management, beekeeping, and experimental research design) and have supervised a number of BSc and MSc students. My main research interests are agro-entomology, current issues in integrated and organic pest management and the ecology of arthropod assemblages in orchards. Among beneficial arthropods, my research focuses on spiders (Araneae), in particular their pest control potential, their ecological function in agricultural fields, and the biology and behavioural ecology of dominant species. I also have extensive experience in data processing and statistical analysis. In recent years, I have received several awards for my extensive professional and scientific activities, including the Pro Scientia Gold Medal from the National Council of Student Research Societies in 2015, the Jermy Tibor Award from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2019, and the Lajos Rainiss Memorial Medal from the Hungarian Plant Protection Society in 2021.
Within ÖMKi I am currently investigating the effects of habitat diversification (sown inter-row vegetation) on ecosystem services and the composition of arthropod assemblages in vineyards and orchards.
![rolunk-miglecz-tamas Miglécz Tamás](
Tamás Miglécz
Research project leader
Biology graduate, English translator, PhD
![rolunk-milibak-flora Milibák Flóra](
Flóra Pászti-Milibák
Agricultural engineer
Plant Protection Engineer
Teacher of Agricultural Engineering
In 2020 I graduated as an agricultural engineer at the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of Szent István University. From my first semester I was involved in laboratory and field research at the university, focusing on spatial and temporal patterns of vegetation functioning, especially the reflectance spectrum. After my bachelor’s degree, I graduated in 2022 with a Master’s degree in Plant Medicine from the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences, where I focused my studies on horticultural crops. From 2020 I participated in the work of the ÖMKi as an external collaborator, so that I could get to know the practical research side in addition to the general and specific knowledge of natural sciences, agriculture and technology acquired during my studies.
![rolunk-selmeczy-dora Selmeczi Dóra Sára](
Dóra Sára Selmeczi
Agricultural Engineer BSc, Plant Doctor MSc, PhD student (Doctoral School of Biological Sciences)
![ÚJ HONLAP – hírbe illesztett képek](
Karina Nagy
Research assistant
+36 30 013 1085
![rolunk-donko-adam Dr. Donkó Ádám](
Dr. Ádám Donkó
Independent expert
Horticulturist, PhD
I graduated from the Faculty of Horticulture at Corvinus University of Budapest in 2010 with a degree in Horticulture (majoring in viticulture). As part of my thesis, we conducted a comparative study of different soil management methods in the Tokaj wine region. I continued my studies from 2010 at the Doctoral School of Horticultural Sciences. In addition to soil care experiments, my PhD research was focused on the mycorrhizal connections of grapes in four wine regions with six different grape varieties and different cultivation technologies. At ÖMKi, I have been able to move forward in the direction I set out on at university, as we are conducting a comparative study of the cover crop of a multiple species in seven wine regions.
Animal husbandry team
![rolunk-marton.aliz Dr. Márton Aliz](
Dr. Aliz Márton
Head of animal husbandry team
Degree in agricultural engineering, PhD
I have always sought to engage with practice, and consider it important to acquire and transfer practical knowledge in addition to theory.
In the summer of 2021, I joined the ÖMKi animal husbandry project research group, in which we carry out sensory monitoring of beef cattle raised in an organic environment, in order to contribute to the development of sustainable farming practices and reduce the ecological footprint of ruminants.
![rolunk-balog-petra Balogh Petra](
Petra Balogh
Research assistant
MSc in organic agricultural engineering
Degree in agricultural engineering
In 2019, I graduated from Szent István University (now the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences) with a master’s degree in organic agricultural engineering. My undergraduate studies were in agricultural engineering, majoring in animal husbandry. The subject of my dissertation involved studying the milk production of small ruminants, with special regard to changes in the animal’s somatic cell count values. During my research, I investigated the prevention possibilities of the organic herb feed supplement on a backyard goat herd, and successfully applied this technique. After my studies, I was able to test myself in the fields of tourism and hospitality, as well as horticulture and animal husbandry. I joined the ÖMKi team in 2021, and am currently involved in animal husbandry research. My responsibilities include assisting with project processes and fieldwork, and performing administrative tasks. Through my work I am gaining practical experience in the field of modern animal husbandry that I can apply both to current research and in the future. I am proud to contribute to the development of organic agriculture as a member of the team.
![rolunk-biszkup-miklos Biszkup Miklós](
Miklós Biszkup
Research assistant
![rolunk-torok-barbara Török Barbara](
Barbara Török
Research assistant
Organic farming engineer MSc
Degree in animal husbandry
Currently on maternity leave
I graduated as organic farming engineer (MSc) in 2019, at the Szent István University of Gödöllő. Previously I completed the bachelor’s degree on animal husbandry engineering at the same University. Through the education I gained basic knowledge of organic farming and besides the studies, also enjoyed working as an event organizer. I was pleased to join ÖMKi’s team in the summer of 2020. My current role is a research assistant and I’m eager to gain as much experience as possible, and hope that with my work I will be able to contribute towards a more sustainable future.
![rolunk-pajor-gabor Dr. Pajor Gábor](
Dr. Gábor Pajor
Independent expert
Veterinarian – data analyst and computer scientist
Agricultural policy team
![rolunk-varga-korinna Varga Korinna](
Korinna Varga
Head of agricultural policy team, Research project leader
Agronomist, MSc in Environmental Policy, Expert in agroecology and agricultural policy
![rolunk-bittermann-csillag Bittermann Csillag](
Csillag Bittermann
Research project leader
Biochemist, Expert in Human Ecology
I began working in the communications group at ÖMKi in the spring of 2022 where I was able to gain access and insight into the various research groups, their activities, and topics currently running at ÖMKi both on the national and EU levels. I was involved in project dissemination activities tied to ÖMKis projects, planning and executing social media campaigns, event planning and coordination, and other communication-related tasks. As of January 2023, I have been working as a researcher in the Agricultural Policy Research Group, where I am involved in supporting the implementation of the Agroecology-TRANSECT and Climate Farm Demo projects.
![rolunk-csonka-valeria Csonka Valéria](
Valéria Csonka
Research project leader
Horticultural engineer BSc, Plant Protection Engineer MSc,
Expert in agroecology and agricultural policy
I graduated as a Horticultural Engineer (BSc) in 2018 and as a Plant Protection Engineer (MSc) in 2020 at Szent István University. During my university studies, I spent half a year in Spain at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV), which helped me to broaden my view in an international context, in addition to learning languages. In my theses I was working on poppy breeding and the identification of a new pathogen in plane-tree.
After my university studies, I started working at the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture, where I was mainly involved in international projects and the coordination of the Agroecology thematic working group of the BIOEAST Initiative. During my time here I had the opportunity to learn more about agricultural policy and the agroecology approach through projects.
I have been working at ÖMKI since August 2022, where I’m mainly focusing on research related to agroecology and agricultural policy. I am also involved in the coordination of the BIOEAST Agroecology thematic working group from ÖMKI’s side and I support the implementation of the ALL-Ready, GO-GRASS and CLEVERFOOD projects in Hungary.
Zsófia Kunya
Research project leader
Agricultural Engineer MSc, Expertise: biomass-based economy, agroecology, agricultural policy
I joined the Agricultural policy team in early 2024, and I am involved in three main EU projects (BOOST4BIOEAST, Agroecology Partnership and OT4EU), through which I can continue to support national and EU R&I collaborations.
![rolunk-jonasz-gerda Jónász Gerda](
Gerda Jónász
PhD, Agricultural policy researcher
Area of expertise: agroecology, environmental policy and agricultural policy
![rolunk-zolei-aniko Zölei Anikó](
Anikó Zölei
Research assistant
Ecologist MSc, Biologist PhD
I graduated in 2002 from the University of Veterinary Medicine, School of Applied Zoology, majoring in Conservation and Ecology. I was a doctoral student at the University of Helsinki and at the Eötvös Science University from where I received my PhD degree in 2019.
I have participated in several ecological research projects in Hungary and abroad and have experience working in the public (Duna-Ipoly National Park Directorate, Institute of Cartography and Remote Sensing) and in the civil sector (Ökotárs Foundation, BirdLife Hungary), as well as with academia (Natural History Museum, Centre for Ecological Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences). I have also been working as a freelance translator since 1999, and since 2016 I have been practicing organic farming on my Pest County “estate”. Together with my partner, we keep our two daughters, a varying number of milking goats and 6 species of reptiles and other protected animals and plants alive.
I joined the ÖMKi team at the beginning of 2024, where I support colleagues as a research assistant on a number of projects.
Advisory team
![rolunk-szepkuthy-katalin Allacherné Szépkuthy Katalin](
Katalin Allacherné Szépkuthy
Head of advisory team
Horticultural engineer
I have known and supported ÖMKi since its foundation, and I consider its dialogue, joint work, and dissemination of knowledge between science and everyday management practice to be exemplary. I believe it is important to make the principles of organic farming known to as many producers as possible and, even if they do not undertake to transform their entire production processes, to use at least some elements: lowering pesticide use by means of intercropping and a more diverse range of crops, and consciously designing and managing areas of biodiversity. I would like to see more industry dialogue on certain issues regarding large-scale animal husbandry and food processing, animal welfare, environmental impact, and the ecological footprint of production systems.
![rolunk-papocsi Dr. Papócsi László Gábor](
Dr. László Gábor Papócsi
Consultant supervisor
Graduate in agricultural engineering, English-Hungarian technical translator
![rolunk-dr-jobbagy-peter Dr. Jobbágy Péter](
Dr. Péter Jobbágy
Research project lead
Chartered Agricultural Engineer in Rural Development, Ph.D., German-Hungarian and English-Hungarian translator
In 2009 I graduated as a rural development agricultural engineer at the Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development of the University of Debrecen, and in 2013 I received my Ph.D. degree from the same university. In parallel to these studies, I also completed a degree in German-Hungarian and a degree in English-Hungarian translation. My first job was in a municipal organic gardening, and that was also when I got to know ÖMKi. Afterwards I worked at the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) for almost ten years, first in agricultural data collection and then in foreign trade statistics. Since January 2024 I have been working at the ÖMKi as a project leader researcher, my main task is to study the economics and business management of organic farming. As a smallholder farmer I am engaged in greenhouse horticulture.
Agricultural informatics team
![rolunk-balazs-labus Labus Balázs](
Balázs Labus
Head of agricultural informatics team, Research project leader
IT expert and agronomist in management
![rolunk-bori-daniel Bori Dániel](
Dániel Bori
Agricultural informatics associate
I joined ÖMKi as a trainee, coming from the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Faculty of Conservation Engineering, in the spring of 2023. Previously, I studied computer engineering, worked as a freelance videographer and as a geoinformatics technician. At ÖMKi, I am involved in automating data processing processes, implementing and analysing remote sensing measurements, and producing videos in collaboration with the communications team. A central part of my interest map is the transition to environmentally friendly, multifunctional agriculture. For me, this sets the direction as a tool for agri-digitalisation.
Domokos Veress
Agricultural informatics assistant
- +36 30 177 6828
Communications team
![rolunk-jade Ducretot Jade](
Jade Ducretot
Head of communications team, Communications associate
- Currently on maternity leave
![rolunk-dora-szilvia Dóra Szilvia](
Szilvia Dóra
Acting head of communications team
Communication specialist
Previously, I supported the ÖMKi’s activities as an external consultant, mainly in the field of PR, media relations and press relations, and from autumn 2022 I am happy to take over the overall marketing communications.
As a passionate environmentalist and sustainability professional, I am happy to contribute my marketing experience to spreading the good practices and the word about organic farming. I am happy to represent the common goal of bringing niche research results to farmers and hobby gardeners, and putting more healthy, home-grown organic produce on the tables of domestic consumers.
With a degree in economics, several years of experience in advertising agencies and marketing at multinational companies, I first learned how to create a sustainable lifestyle as the communications manager of the Hungarian Association of Nature Conservationists. Later on, as an active volunteer for the Tiszai PET Kupa and later as a communications specialist, I continued to represent environmental protection in my work, which is still complemented by the communication of exemplary sustainability programmes. As a Smartfluencer, I also work on issues of individual and corporate sustainability, waste minimisation and recycling, nature conservation and the careful and sustainable use of our resources.
Petra Almási
Communications associate
Horticultural engineer
![rolunk-gorombolyi-vanda Görömbölyi Vanda](
Vanda Görömbölyi
Communications associate
Communication specialist
I have a degree in Communication and Cultural Management and over the past decade and a half I have applied my knowledge in a variety of fields, from media to public administration, from culture to higher education, in both communication and event management.
An ecological approach has always been close to my heart. I believe that sustainable agriculture and food production is a subject that concerns us all and that has a significant impact not only on the future of future generations, but also on our own lives. It is therefore a particular pleasure for me to support the work of the researchers of ÖMKi as a communication associate, helping to ensure that their results, ideas and guidelines reach as many people as possible.
My main tasks are the organisation and communication of events, and communication tasks related to European Union projects.
Lili Melánia Kárpáti
Communications associate
Hungarian – Theatre Studies Expert
After graduating in Hungarian from the Faculty of Humanities, University of Pécs, I finished my master studies at the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary in 2017 as a Theater Studies Expert. Afterwards, I gained strong experience in the cultural field in a variety of jobs in art management, event management and communication. I have been working at ÖMKi since summer of 2024, where as a communications associate, I am involved in organization and communication of events, and communication and dissemination tasks related to European Union projects.
I am strongly committed to the environment and sustainability, and it is very important for me to be actively involved in these issues that affect us all, not only in private, but also through my work. It is a great pleasure for me to contribute to the development of our organization and to support the work of researchers of ÖMKi, helping to make their results visible and accessible.