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research network

On-farm network2024-09-02T14:00:39+02:00

Research with the participation of Hungarian farmers

The ÖMKi on-farm research network is a system of innovative experiments carried out on Hungarian organic farms. It was established in 2012 and since then, the number of participants has been increasing continuously. This is the first research network in Hungary that is based on the active participation of farmers: the topics of our simple experiments carried out under realistic conditions are determined together with the farmers.

ÖMKi On-farm network 2011-2018

Agricultural Development Award of the 78th OMÉK

On-Farm Living Lab

In 2020 we were admitted to the European Network of Living Laboratories (ENoLL) giving our national on-farm network official Living Lab accreditation. Want to know more? Watch our video!

Our project is one-of-a-kind. On-farm research plays a significant role in providing information to farmers, as well as in the development and promotion of innovative good practices. One outstanding recognition of our work is that the on-farm network received the Agricultural Development Award of the 78th OMÉK in 2017, the E.on Energy Globe Award in 2018 and the Certificate for the Protection of the Environment of the KSZGYSZ in 2019. In addition, the project can be further extended until 2023 from the generous EU framework granted by the Ministry of Agriculture and the MNVH.

In Hungary, carrying out experiments in operational settings goes way back, but a research network based on participation and implemented in organic agriculture was unprecedented in the country before the on-farm research project of ÖMKi started.

Meanwhile in Western Europe and Norther Africa, on-farm research systems have been playing a significant role in providing information for farmers, and in the development and promoting of innovative good practices for a long time. On-farm network experiments were already taking place in the 1970s in the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program of the USA. This research method has also been used widely in Europe for a long time, and it became an essential tool for organic research institutions such as the Dutch Louis Bolk Institution, the English Organic Research Centre or the Norwegian NORSOK Institution. Since its establishment in 1973, our partner institution, the Swiss FiBL (Forschungsinstitut für Biologischen Landbau) has strengthened the connections between research and practice with numerous on-farm experiments and practical publications

What topics does our research address?

ÖMKi’s on-farm network


„In my opinion, ÖMKi is the only organization in Hungary that strives to provide knowledge with a pragmatic focus on Hungarian organic farmers. As an enthusiastic organic farmer, I gladly participate in workshops and professional meetings organized by ÖMKi. These not only provide new and useful information, but also create opportunities for mutual exchange of experiences with other farmers and professional networking.”

Zoltán Dezsény, Magosvölgy Organic Farm

„Humanity has reached a point where we cannot go further using our usual tools. We have destroyed a large part of Planet Earth, which nourishes the human body, and we have destroyed the honor of truth, which nourishes the soul. The challenge in front of us is obvious. We should sacrifice all our strength to protect mother nature so that we can look our children in their innocent eyes, with pure hearts. We should support solutions and people who manage the available results in a sustainable manner, in harmony with nature. Thus, our focus should be shifted towards organic agricultural systems. Only countries and nations that take this step have a secure future.”

József Vajda, Pékműhely (Owner of traditional bakery)

“I have been devoted to organic agriculture for almost 30 years. I eat organic products and I grow them in my garden. I brought this way of thinking from my birthplace, Nagybajom, as this is how we lived in my family. Since then I have been sad to see kitchen gardens disappearing from the countryside, and how rural areas and knowledge are being reduced. I am happy to see, and I support any steps or results that aims to promote healthy, clean eating, to maintain the ecological balance, and to rediscover our long lost regional plant varieties. ÖMKi is excellent in this regard. I think that the work they do is vital now, so that we can leave space in clean and unpolluted world for our grandchildren to live.”

Ilona Ivancsics, actress, art director

“It is very inspiring that young researchers who are truly committed to and motivated to carrying out organic agriculture and the conservation of biodiversity provide me practical advice.

In addition, I always get a quick and up-to-date answer on any professional topic, and I know that working with ÖMKi on a variety of projects is a simple way to connect with other organic producers. These connections and the continuous exchange of our experiences also leads us towards better results.”

Ágoston Nobilis, Csoroszlya Farm

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