The Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU, in close cooperation with the European Commission, the Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR), and the BIOEAST Initiative, is organizing the “PARTNERING FOR THE FUTURE: BIOEAST and Beyond” high-level conference on Central and Eastern European Research and Innovation Priorities in the Context of Sustainable Soil and Freshwater Resilience, Food Systems Security, and Bioeconomy-Related Policies on 4-6 December 2024, in Budapest.
The high-level conference marks a series of events during the six-months of the Hungarian Presidency which aim to familiarize, debate, and promote a new pan-European research and innovation initiative with a geographic focus on Central and Eastern Europe, including the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership countries. The discussions during the conference will revolve around two thematic nexuses as established in the Stakeholder Manifesto published in June 2024:
- Carbon-water cycles: The linkage between healthy soils and freshwater resilience.
- Nutrition-energy cycles: Food system security and locally valorized biomass and biowaste in the bioeconomy.
The conference gathers ministers and EU institutions’ representatives, SCAR and research program committee representatives of the Member States, policymakers from ministries including EU candidate countries, academia, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, and key private sector representatives with priorities in the macro-region.
The concept note and agenda of the event can be found here.
For participation, please complete the pre-registration by 30 October 2024 through this link: Pre-registration Form